Project: line
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I left my heart on Sanibel

Heart, rhythm, silence, moment, expectation, eternity, warmth, colour, fire, horizon, ocean, sky, scent, beach, the end.
The photo work I left my heart on Sanibel is presented as one straight line. This line represents my heartbeat just after sunset and is inspired by a medical diagnostic procedure that records electrical activity of the heart, ECG. An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG, abbreviated from the German Elektrokardiogramm) is a graphic produced by an electrocardiograph, which records the electrical activity of the heart over time. Its name is made of different parts: electro, because it is related to electronics, cardio, Greek for heart, gram, a Greek root meaning "to write". The photo piece is photographed on Sanibel Island, Florida, famous for its spectacular sunsets when people gather on the beach to watch the sun set in the Mexican gulf.

line of a lifetime

National Geographic traveler publicerade 1999 en lista över platser en nyfiken resenär borde besöka under sin livstid. Genom att förenkla platsernas karaktäristiska konturer med en enkel linje bildas en sammanhängande linjär resa igenom verket.
line of a lifetime är en fortsättning på verket line där fokus låg delvis på bakgrunden, på himlen och dess symbol värde i vårt kommersiella samhälle. I verket line of a lifetime ligger fokusen på själva linjen som i sig själv blir resan.
Platser på listan är : Beijing, Hong Kong, London, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Paris, Rome, San Francisco och Washington, D.C



flatline, verb [ intrans. ] informal (of a person) die.
DERIVATIVES flatliner noun ORIGIN 1980s: from flat + line (with reference to the continuous straight line displayed on a heart monitor, indicating death).

line (Hong Kong; Chicago; New York; Shanghai)

Project line (Hong Kong; Chicago; New York; Shanghai) commence at a time called magic hour. Magic hour (often erroneously called golden hour) is the hour before and after the sun rises and sets, at which time a specific photographic effect is achieved with the quality of the light.
During this time, the sun illuminates the clouds while everything else becomes shadow. The light is very saturated and warm. This short moment reflect our romantic view of heaven, showing its most sensual and intense appearance.

"... a favourite cinematographer's moment as the sun dips beneath the horizon and      
can no longer be found, but before darkness falls, when a residue of light coats the 
earth like a smear of milk on the lens. So fragile is the light  that, while you take it for 
granted in broadest day, as it dies you see it as a thing in itself. 
"Magic hour" is a euphemism, because it's not an hour but around 25 minutes at the 
most. It is the moment when the sun sets and after the sun sets and before it is night, 
the sky has light but there is no actual sun. 
The light is very soft and there is something magic about it. 
It limited us to around twenty minutes a day but it did pay on the screen. 
It gave some kind of magic look, a beauty and romanticism."
Nestor Almendros, Director of photography in Days of Heaven 1978.

This moment is frequently used in commercial purpose such as marketing of cities through their skylines. The sky contributes with its dramatic colour and enhance the contour of the city. The word skyline has 2 meanings: 1 - The line along which the surface of the earth and the sky appear to meet; true horizon.
2 -The outline of a group of buildings or a mountain range seen against the sky; visible horizon
A skyline is best described as the overall or partial view of a silhouette of a city's tall buildings and structures consisting of many skyscrapers in front of the heaven in the background. It can also be described as the artificial horizon that a city's overall structure creates. Skylines serve as a kind of fingerprint of a city, as no two skylines are alike. There are different ways of grading a skyline. This is a sensitive topic which often create debate among enthusiasts. The concept skyline is often connected to wealth and high-status living.
Amongst the top lists one can find priorities where hight of buildings play the biggest role.
Here, we find cities like Hongkong, New York, and Dubai at top ranking. Other lists focus on aesthetic appearance and most spectacular photographs. Here, one always find Hongkong, Chicago and New York at top rank. Despite method or criteria to reach final result some cities always place themselves at top like Hongkong, Shanghai, Chicago, New York, and Tokyo. This project will explore how sky is being used to represent utopia, symbolizing hope and future, creating an illusion of perfection in media and commercial purpose, and play with contradiction in terms.


Verket setting beskriver en interiör där himlen inifrån sett visar en solnedgång/soluppgång. Utifrån sett är interiören en konstruktion som är fotograferat i naturlig dagsljus. Verket rising är en interiör som leker med riktningar såsom interiör - exteriör, uppåt - nedåt, uppgång - nedgång. Ljuskällan som utgör soluppgång är i själva verket takbelysningen.


Två av världens mest kommersiellt använda symboler representera mina initialer.
Bakgrunden lyses upp av solens sista strålar.


Photographs from top:

I left my heart on Sanibel, 2008, line of a lifetime, 2008, flatliner, 2007, line (Hongkong), 2007

line (Chicago), 2007, line (New York), 2007, line (Shanghai), 2007, setting, 2007, rising, 2007

ca, 2007 (2 colour photographs)


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